Mixing and matching


I have been very immobile during last 6 months because of our younger boy. He is not into putting on too much clothes. Thankfully now the weather is getting warmer and hopefully we will get out more.

Because of this staying indoors most of the time I had to learn to shop online. Next is one of my favorites because it is fast and you always get what you see.

I am not buying much clothes for myself because it just does not fit well (and yes, I enjoy making my own). But I got something for my man: Washed blue cotton jacket, chalk colored chinos, and some shoes. And then I have created some simple outfits for him using the magic of polyvore. Just to show him how he could wear his new clothes nixing it with stuff he already got. Well, this was fun and looks like he liked it. Now I need to find a yellow pullover and a grey vest for him ))).

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