Recipe: Deliсious corn chowder


I love cooking but sometimes don't feel like spending time in the kitchen. And this is the reason why I love this corn chowder: It is super easy to make, absolutely yummy, and warming up if fixed on a cold cloudy day.

Here's what you need:
- Separately celery stalks and leaves
- One medium size onion
- One medium size potato
- 4 spring onions
- Frozen corn and peas -2/3 cup each
- Olive oil
- Tablespoon flour
- 2 garlic cloves
- Sea salt
- Thyme seeds - half a teaspoon
- Sour cream - 1 cup
- Optional - shrimp (if you leave this part out it will be a vegetarian dish)

Heat 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a medium saucepan. Add roughly chopped onion and celery stalks with unpeeled garlic cloves, pinch of sea salt, and thyme. To bring out thyme flavor you can roll rolling pin on it.


When onion and celery stalks start to slightly brown sprinkle flour over them and stir.

Now add about 1 liter of boiling water and potato (peeled and cut in small cubes). Now boil chowder till potato gets soft for about 10 minutes.

Add corn, peas, and shrimp. If you don't like shrimp you can always fix your chowder without it. That way the chowder will be a vegetarian dish. Salt to taste, increase heat to boil the soup and decrease it right after.

Last step is to chop up some celery stalks and spring onions and put it in you chowder. Get your soup to boil last time and turn the heat off.

After the chowder is ready add some sour cream to it and serve.


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